Sunday, November 20, 2011

Verde Canyon Train Ride

Typically, I plan ahead. That's obviously a precursor to my next phrase....however, on this particular day, I had nothing planned. I gave Chuck several options of things to do and he chose riding the train in Verde Canyon.

What are the odds that they would be completely booked on a Wednesday? Not only were they completely booked in First Class, but they were OVERbooked. We could either ride coach (outdoors) or rent the caboose. Why not? We rented the caboose.

Ferman was our personal naturalist. Although, I could be a bit stuffy and say he was our butler, because, well, he was :-) The caboose is designed to accommodate six adults, but we were only a party of 2, so we had Ferman and the caboose all to ourselves. Ferman pointed out rock formations like turtles, angels, Abraham Lincoln, wildlife, Native American caves, and bald eagles.

The train as it snakes through the canyon

"Abraham Lincoln"

A bald eagle

Chuck outside our caboose.

Chuck inside our caboose.

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