Thursday, May 15, 2008

Danish Lessons

I will start off by saying that I can spell a lot of Danish words. And I can read a lot of Danish words. I cannot; however pronounce any of them correctly. Hanne, our tutor, visits with us on Mondays and Thursdays. Which reminds me, I have a homework assignment to finish for tonight. The lessons are going well and we concentrate on pronunciation, which is a good thing because it’s the area that I’m having a hard time grasping. I find myself looking at the Danish word, saying it in English, then translating it to Spanish, then hmmm, do I know the French word or Italian word, it must be similar…and then finally I try to pronounce it in Danish. Ha. It is quite humorous (silent h, just as Ray Romano says it)!

Another bit of humor is watching and listening to Chuck attempt Danish. It’s kind of cute, actually. Being the great engineer that he is, he uses equations to remember vowel sounds. I write things out phonetically and he writes out equations. Humorous to see us as a team.

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