Sunday, December 19, 2010

Solo trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Chuck is officially one continent ahead of me. In October, he made not one, but two very long trips to Buenos Aires, Argentina for work. A little extra lead time could have yielded me a trip, too. But, 36 hours notice nets outrageously expensive airfare, so I passed.

Although, I did put on my biggest sales pitch that he would need a translator and therefore I should be on the next flight out. In the end, not so much...I stayed home.

Chuck's review of Buenos Aires...

It's a big city with all the typical 'woes' of a big city. Three days is plenty of time to explore. (Holly's editorial comment....why fly 14 hours each way for a mere 3 days?!?!?!) The Argentinian beef is spectacular and dinner at La Brigada lived up to the hype. And yes, he had the "beef so tender you can cut it with a spoon."

I won't bore you with pictures from the here are a few from around Buenos Aires.

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