Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chicago - Denmark Clock is off by 1 hour until March 30

In the US Government's infinite wisdom to change Daylight Savings Time up 3 weeks (and be different from the rest of the world), my clocks on the lower right will be off a bit until the rest of the world changes. So, right now Denmark is only 6 hours ahead and not 7 hours. Denmark will revert back to the 7 hours ahead on March 30th.


  1. Holly:

    Great to see you are seeing the world. WOW

    What did think about Steve and Herb both calling it quits?

    Paul Williams

  2. Holly and Chuck,

    Glad to see you tonight. Good to see you both so happy before your next great adventure! I know it will be great and look forward to hearing of your travels....

    Love and stuff,

    Jeffery James Romenesko
