Here's the cliffnote version of 2007. Enjoy the slideshow below. There's music, so turn up the volume!
- Holly promoted to Neighborhood Services Director at the City of Janesville
- Trip to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic with Mom, Dad, Jesse, me and Chuck
- Trip to Washington, DC
- Easter weekend in New York City
- Trip to Cancun, Mexico
- Trip to Copenhagen, Denmark
- Memorial Day weekend in Seattle, Washington
- Holly receives the Future Leader Award from the Wisconsin City Manager's Association
- Trip to St. Louis
- John Mayer at Summerfest in Milwaukee
- Holly resigns from the City of Janesville
- Trip to St. Thomas and St. John, USVI
- Jewel and the Chicago Symphany at the Rosemont in Chicago
- Find out we're moving to Denmark in 2008
- Trip to Cabo San Lucas